As you are probably aware, we sadly had to cancel our originally planned VBS this summer and now school has started or will be starting soon for most. But that's not going to stop us from having VBS this year, it just happens that it will be a little later and virtual.
After looking at many virtual options, we have found a VBS that is perfect for not only our situation but our congregation. We will be using a VBS created by a fellow LCMS church, Narrative Church, in Texas. They have graciously shared their handouts and videos and are allowing us to post them on our website to share with our congregation and community.
We have re-created their original packets as best we can and have them available for pickup, at your convenience, at Redeemer. They are in a labeled, closed box, under the carport. Each packet contains materials for all 3 "weeks" (for 1 child) of the VBS. The packets are available anytime to pickup. The videos for each "week" are located below.
We are excited to share this VBS with you and hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Sarah Shaffer,